OLIGOMED provides a comprehensive training programme for 15 ESRs in the field of nucleic acid therapeutics.
The ESRs are appointed to individual research projects, which are organised in four integrated WPs, and hosted at two or more partner institutions.
Supervision and training are equally distributed through the network, and regular meetings including ESRs, supervisors and external advisors will ensure steady progress, adherence to the code of conduct, and early stage problem solving.
OLIGOMED ESRs come with a number of benefits:
A thorough scientific education in the frame of a doctoral training program.
The possibility to participate in specific international courses, workshops and conferences.
A strong involvement in a European research project with high international visibility.
The possibility to perform research visits to internationally renowned research labs in Europe.
A prestigious three-year MSCA Fellowship.
A competitive salary including mobility and family allowances.
Click on each ESR to learn about the individual projects.